Pag-IBIG has offered their members a newest way to access all their Pag-IBIG related transactions thru an online portal. This way, members can track their Pag-IBIG savings, view their loan records and status and get the latest updates from Pag-IBIG services anytime, anywhere. You no longer need to go to any of their branch just to access the mentioned features above and it is truly amazing as it feels like you have their services within the shortest possible ever. To do this, just follow the steps below to create your virtual Pag-IBIG account online.
How To Create Your Pag-IBIG Virtual Account
First go to Pag-IBIG Virtual page here. Once your are in the website, supply all the details asked in the blank as shown below then click the Proceed button.

After clicking the Proceed button, the system will send an OTP to your nominated mobile phone number. Just click OK button to exit.

Once your receive the SMS from Pag-IBIGFUND regarding your OTP, just type it in the OTP box and click PROCEED button.

Afterwards, you will be directed to a homepage to edit your personal information. Just supply your nominated email address to two input boxes under USER ACCOUNT page. Then for security questions, just select your 3 nominated questions and supply your preferred answers at the corresponding answer box at respective left.

For verification tab, type in your birth place details in the following boxes and your Mother’s Maiden name.

Then for further verification, you will be required to upload your Passport or any other valid IDs. If you select passport, you will only need the passport ID to upload. Else you will be required to upload 2 (two) valid IDs. The valid IDs other than passport are:
- Alien Certification of Registration/Immigrant Certificate of Registration
- Barangay Certification
- Company ID
- Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Certification
- Driver’s License
- GSIS E-Card
- Government Office and GOCC IDs
- Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP) ID
- NBI Clearance
- National Council for the Welfare of Disabled Persons (NCWDP) Certification
- Overseas Filipino Worker’s (OFW) ID
- Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA) ID
- Police Clearance
- Postal ID
- Professional Regulation’s Commission (PRC) ID
- Seafarer’s Identification and Record Book (SIRB)
- Senior Citizen Card
- Social Security System (SSS) Card
- Voter’s ID

Aside from uploading this valid ID, you also need to upload your selfie holding your chosen ID by clicking the Select File button and locate your selfie photo. Once you have selected your selfie photo with valid ID, tick the certify box and click Submit button.

After clicking the Submit button, your screen will prompt as similar below indicating for successful creation of your Virtual Pag-IBIG account. You will then receive immediately an SMS notification similar below:

After a few days, Pag-IBIG will send you via email the result of your account creation. Once your account was activated on their side, you will then have to login to your newly created account using the initial password indicated in the email sent. Immediately after you login, you will then be prompted to change this password to your personalized password.

And Voila! You can now start viewing your Pag-IBIG regular saving. You can even link there your Pag-IBIG housing loan account, check your loan status, link your Loyalty Card Plus account and even pay your contribution and loans.
Final Thought
When I was creating my own Pag-IBIG Virtual account, I failed for so many times that I can no longer recall how many times I was declined. On their email notification for me, it always says that the reason for declining my application was that there was a discrepancy in my mother’s maiden name. No matter how many times I put it, I always end up on the same rejection reason. So I tried to find my old Pag-IBIG MDF (Members Data Form) to check what was the name of my mother placed there. To my surprise, it was indeed not my mother’s maiden name format. To correct this wrong info, Pag-IBIG instructed me to submit an accomplished MCIF (Member’s Change of Information Form) with PSA/NSO Birth certificate and valid ID to the nearest Pag-IBIG center. You can download the form here and you can also use this to correct any other wrong info in your Pag-IBIG record. When I accomplished it and dropped by to the nearest Pag-IBIG center, the security guard told me that I just have to leave those MCIF together with my NSO and photocopied ID to him just like that and the correction will be reflected to the system within 3 working days. (Don’t forget to put it inside an envelope or staple it so no document will get lost.) On April 10, I tried again creating my virtual Pag-IBIG account then 3 days later, Pag-IBIG notified me thru SMS and email that my account has been activated. Yey! At last!
Planning to get your first house using Pag-IBIG housing loan, here’s how much you can borrow from Pag-IBIG.
Already have housing loan from Pag-IBIG but don’t know how to get your monthly billing statement, just follow the steps here.
Want to pay your Pag-IBIG housing Loan thru Metrobank online? You can check it out here. Or you can pay it via GCash by following this.